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Fall 2022

This work is a spiral bound book documenting a conversation between me and my parents. My parents are two of the most creative and wonderful people I know, and they take great pride in collection of art that they have in my childhood home. For the first time, I was able to sit with them and talk through the design and sentiment behind the pieces that I have grown up seeing and had often taken for granted. 


A word that my dad consistently brought up throughout the interview was “collage.” He says our house is a collage, from the type of art they have collected to the way they are arranged. In the design of my book, I wanted to emulated this idea of collage through both the layout and materiality. The body text is the dialogue, and as the themes that we discuss shift back and forth, the layout shifts as well. The marginalia is another device that is meant to physically frame the text. Within my larger book, I have two subsections: red inserts which are photographs of the entire room and a pamphlet stitched booklet which shows different photo vignettes within each room I discuss in the text. The pamphlet bound booklet is also the only part of the piece printed in full color, to really showcase the design of the house. My choice to spiral bound the book is based on my dad discussing extensively his love of metal sculptures, so I feel that this kind of binding adds an extra level of materiality to the piece. Every design choice is layered on top of each other to create the feeling of collage.


Collaged is a project that is very close to my heart, and I am so happy with how it
turned out. 

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