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Poster & Handbill

Fall 2023

These pieces were completed while at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. I designed a poster and flyer for their Teen Creative Agency's annual Zine Fest. Keeping true to the nature of zine making, I used collage techniques, physically cutting out the poster's elements and taping them together, scanning them in for the final result. I also used analog mark making, drawing on the pictures and marking on the text. A fun challenge within this project was to creative something playful and handmade while still placing it within the visual identity of the museum . The type treatment through the header and footer of the poster and the text on the back of the flyer was a way to bring brand consistency into this piece. The color palette was another way to keep these pieces within the visual intentity of this brand. Overall, I loved making this piece and am proud of how it turned out.

I completed with project with help from the MCA creative team: Suraiya Nathani Hossain, Brian Hedrick, Katie Williams, and Drew Colglazier, I am so grateful for all of their support and guidance!

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